Ryan Anderson and Samba Maui

Meet Ryan Anderson. He is one of the remarkable residents on Maui that contribute to making living here extraordinary! He is a geometry teacher at Haleakala Waldorf, professional beekeeper and co-director of Samba Maui. The Ryan I know is a performance artist who reaches his audience through rhythmical drumming. Months of rehearsals go into his performances but it goes beyond practicing on the drums. He and his mixed age troop went out to gather waste material on the beach for their costumes for the Art of Trash in April. While they spent time together, it was also for the purpose of building their experience of being part of a group. Drummers come together individually and eventually play as a whole, as one heart beating. Their intended goal is to beat as one and collaborate with the audience through their piece. His desire is to move the audience to participate and become part of the event.

My personal experience as part of the audience was energizing. I was calmly waiting for 6pm when Ryan and his group were to start playing at Wailuku’s First Friday. He was waiting for me to give him the signal to start. When I nodded he started, “BOOM, BOOM, BOOM de BOOM…” and the rest of the group chimed in. He and his student drummers began dancing and drumming down Market Street. Immediately, the First Friday audience turned around to see what was happening. I watched as many had the same reaction as me…I couldn’t stop smiling and my feet insisted on joining in! People moved their bodies, bounced to the beat and raised their arms in time. Most of their faces were asking, “can anyone join this parade?”

Once the drumming and music began, I was forced to stop thinking in my head and my spirit filled my body. The music put me in the here and now. I wanted to dance before this good feeling stopped! It made me so happy to see the reactions of other people feeling good. People were not expecting to throw their heads back and laugh loudly, grab their little kids and run into the street and dance with us. “This drumming thing is primal isn’t it?” I asked Ryan. “Sure is,” he agreed. “Everyone has a beating heart, and everyone is rhythmical. Itʻs our job to come together and celebrate our collective abilities.”

I wonder if next time I can be more than an enthusiastic audience member. Ryan encouraged me to join the open group. Any age is the requirement. Samba Maui will teach anyone, any age – No experience necessary. That’s the kind of requirement I qualify for!

Visit the Samba Maui Facebook page to learn more about upcoming events.

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