Make the effort (put your make-up on, comb your hair, drive to the MACC) to see Akihiko Izukura’s installation at the Schaefer International Gallery before March 19th, 2017. Akihiko Izukura, a Japanese master of dyeing and weaving silk, is from Kyoto, Japan.
The material he works with is silk, but the exhibition is so much more. Words are not adequate to describe his installation. A large part of his work includes the element of time. Consider that the silk worms are fed and cared for, which takes lots of effort and hours. Izukura has nurtured a consciousness of sustainability and has done extensive research on materials for sun dyeing. Sun dyeing takes months and years for the colors to take. His new process is combined with what his ancestors developed over 2,000 years ago. Recognizing time as one of the important elements of his work slows your breathing down. It took years of preparation to bring this show to Maui, so I savored every moment of experiencing the exhibit.
Opening the door and walking into the gallery, the viewer is greeted by a large cocoon and is invited to take off their shoes and walk through. The ambient electronic music playing inside was created by San Francisco-based composer Christopher Willits. Within the cocoon are large hanging orbs. One is made by the silk worms. Izukura placed them on the ball and instead of making cocoons they just created the silk on the ball itself. Installation artists like Izukura see the viewer as part of the piece. Walking into his artwork, taking in the music as your eyes focus on the orbs and the surrounding silk weavings, you as a viewer complete the installation.
The exhibit also showcases Izukura’s silk weaving with colorful textiles and fashions available for purchase at the gallery.
Akihiko Izukura: The Way of Natural Textiles at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s Schaefer International Gallery runs from January 15th through March 19 th. The gallery is open from Tuesday through Saturday from 10am-5pm as well as before and during intermission for Castle Theater shows. Admission is free.
On Saturday, March 4th during “Observe & Play Family Day,” a live performance by musician Christopher Willits will take place from 10am-12pm.
For more information about the exhibit and the artist, visit the MACC website and Akihiko Izukura’s site.